Voyage LA Hidden Gems Series: Meet Laura Hasbun from Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicals

In April a dear friend of mine recommended Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicals to Voyage LA to be a part of their hidden gems series. Shocked at the fact that someone wanted to highlight my creations, I spent most of May thinking about my story; how is it that I have gotten to where I am today? After having anxiety follow me around for weeks (actually let's be real, MONTHS, anxiety followed me around for months before I wrote my story down), I sat down with a sun infused calming tea and began to write out my journey thus far.

When I think about where that anxiety stems from, all that comes up for me is fear. Fear of not being loved or seen for showing up as I am. Identifying my fear of being seen made me remember that fear is an acronym with 2 meanings: 1) "forget everything and run" or 2) "face everything and rise". Like the beautiful plant babies in my garden I chose to rise and will continue to do so. 

It is with so much love that I share this personal interview with you as to how and why I started my medicine making journey and how Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicals came to fruition. 

Click this link to find the full interview:



Excerpts from the interview:

Thanks for sharing your story with us Laura. So, let’s start at the beginning and we can move on from there.
After graduating college, I felt the need to somehow ground myself { ... } so I began taking local community herbalism classes in { ... } June of 2017. Since then, { ... } I made an herbal salve (pomada) designed to alleviate muscle and bone pain and named it “Sana Sana Colita de Rana” — just like my grandpa used to say to take our pain away every time we hurt ourselves as kids.

While formulating the recipe for this pomada, { ... } {community} stories and the plant material took me back to the times when my grandmother would tend to her garden. I realize now that, that was her sanctuary and although she has left this earth physically when I work with the plants around me, I can meet her there. Sana Sana Colita de Rana Pomada turned out to be a big hit amongst my family and friends. { ... } It was their love and support { ... } and of course the plantitas that led me to where I am today with my business.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Growing up in my father’s family-owned business gave me all the tools to start producing and selling small batches of my herbal products { ... } What I mostly struggle with is trusting my own creativity { ... } Trusting my own medicine is a daily practice, although it’s not always easy; it’s the essence of all herbal medicines I produce.

Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicals – what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
I work with different plant medicines to understand their energies and the symbiotic relationship we humans have with them. { ... } I make body lotions, bath salts, massage oils, lip balms, tinctures and candles. But { ... } my favorite medicine to make is hydrosols and essential oils. Hydrosols are pure plant waters that essentially carry a blueprint of the medicinal properties of the plant material being distilled. These sweet waters are as versatile as the water you drink;  { ...}  As I develop more herbal remedies, incorporating my home-distilled hydrosols is what makes Maracuya Flower Juice Botanicals so unique.

What is “success” or “successful” for you?
The reason I began working with plant medicine was to connect to myself more, to feel more centered; grounded. I make each and every one of my products with that same intention. It is my genuine hope that the folks who use my medicine feel uplifted. { ... } It is my greatest honor to share my medicinal offerings with my community and their loved ones.